Learning things along the way!

Posts tagged ‘dual personality’

The other side of me..

Daily Prompt: The Full Moon

When the full moon happens, you turn into a person who’s the opposite of who you normally are. Describe this new you.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us NIGHTTIME.full-moon-goddess

I was sleeping the other day when I suddenly woke up shivering as the clock struck midnight. I was shivering very very badly and I didn’t know what was going on. As soon as the shivering stopped I didn’t wake my sister as I normally would have done and slept on! My mom woke me up at 6 o’clock and I woke up immediately. Got ready in my usual t-shirt and jeans when I was asked by my sister.. What are you doing Yumna?? when will you get ready? get changed into something suitable. I silently nodded and wore my abaya over my dress and told my sister and mom that I’ve already changed! I went to the university and sat with the rowdiest group of the class.. I don’t know what made me do so or even why they were staring at me in a weird way, but all I knew was that it’s perfectly okay to sit with them and few of my fellows, to whom I didn’t even bother to talk to, came to me asking if I had reserved seats for them. I shrugged and said No! they asked me if I was going to sit with them and after another shrug and a No! they went back muttering about me being somewhat ignorant! But, honestly I didn’t care at all! After my classes were over during which I laughed alot sitting at the back seat and  got really insulted by the teachers too, whatever! Well.. After the classes were over I stayed into the university with my friends to catch up on some work. My mom asked me when will I be back, so I lied to her that I have classes till late today. In the evening, when I reached home, I changed quickly and started studying. As soon as it was dusk, I found myself working and thought what was I doing? I hadn’t even checked Facebook or WordPress?? I stood up and immediately switched on the computer to write a prompt..

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I'm Afraid Of The Dark

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