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Posts tagged ‘Pakistani food’

Fantastic Foods . . .

Daily Prompt: Five a Day

You’ve being exiled to a private island, and your captors will only supply you with five foods. What do you pick?

Wow! My captor must really be nice to give me an option to choose five foods for myself in the state of exile and I’ll try to make the most of this amazing offer.. =D

I’ll choose:

  1. Cream Cheese Triangles 
  2. Biryani 

    (A Pakistani rice dish)

  3. Pizza
  4. Spicy minced meat with boiled rice and pickles (It’s a dish which my mom cooks exclusively for me.. And since this is again a Pakistani dish I cannot describe it very well in words but It’s just too good 😀 )
  5. Macaroni cooked in Béchamel sauce

After my thoughts to wish for all these things, I really hope not to wake up soon from this wonderful dream of mine! =D

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