Learning things along the way!

Posts tagged ‘teacher’

We Can Be Taught, Most You Should Do Is Try!

Daily Prompt: We Can Be Taught!

What makes a teacher great?


Sense of responsibility Is the only thing that makes a person, Teacher; and that too a  great one! If a person have some sense of responsibility but not the ability to teach, the least he can do in the interest of students is either resign or at least try to teach in a better manner.

Ummm.. Teachers??

Daily Prompt: Luxurious

What’s the one luxury you can’t live without?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us LUXURY.

As a student, I must confess that good teachers these days are very hard to come by, so they can be called a Luxury. hence, a good teacher is one luxury I can’t live without but yet I have to survive without!

P.S: Physics is a terrible subject!


As the title tells you.. I CAN’T WRITE! I’ve been trying struggling for quite some time now to write.. As I usually write about daily prompts, I thought I don’t need to think up an idea as to what should I write about. But alas! here we are! I can’t think of even a simple response to daily prompts. I check my blog on regular basis and find stats approaching to zero. Maybe my head is bit full of maths assignment at the moment, topped with statistics practicals and physics’ tension, but the thing is that this semester, I have to study English as a compulsory subject and our teacher asks us mostly to write! you see what the problem is, I CAN’T WRITE!writemyessay1

List ’em up!

Daily Prompt: The Satisfaction of a List

Who doesn’t love a list? So write one! Top five slices of pizza in your town, ten reasons disco will never die, the three secrets to happiness — go silly or go deep, just go list-y


I’d definitely like to make a list.. No, not on  the given topics but rather on the reasons as to why can’t I make a list on those topics:

  1. Mathematics
  2. Statistics
  3. Physics

Yes.. The above given reasons aren’t allowing me to skip my homework and make a list instead! 😉

What to Study?

Daily Prompt: Decisions, Decisions

How are you more likely to make an important decision — by reasoning through it, or by going with your gut?

Hmm.. As by now most of my readers must have realized that I’m a random person. I do things first and think about the results later.. But when it come to making important decisions, I do try to reason at least just once with my own self and my parents . For example I could have gone to NED University (Biggest university in our country for engineering, As I had chosen pre-engineering in my intermediate) but I chose Mathematics major in Karachi university.. Reason: I wasn’t interested in engineering, So I didn’t think it was necessary to do what majority was attempting to do.. I did think it through and I think it was a right decision, I’m happy with what I’m studying and I certainly do not feel uncomfortable in studying the subject! 😀

Ready, Set Go.. Off to the university

Daily Prompt: Ready, Set Go

Set a timer for ten minutes. Open a new post. Start the timer, and start writing. When the timer goes off, publish.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

OK.. So my time has started.. The only thing I could write about in these 10 minutes is my recently started university life! I’ve been to university three days and I’ve already realized that it’s no child’s play.. It is rather a tiring experience.. I’m saying it and our classes haven’t started yet either.. First day was the orientation day only to find that there is no orientation taking place.. (I found yesterday, it did take place after all). Well.. we did have a good time as we went on an excursion to physics and stats dept… On second day we were confronted by a very generous looking and a very strict looking History and Geography teachers and were given the intro of university life.. Then we had to face three very angry-looking teachers in stats dept.. Who.. though strict looking explained to us all very well the system of groups in university.. Well yesterday was pretty much the same with all the introductory classes taking place..But the reason for us to get tired was much roaming around the university trying to find the exact timings of classes for separate groups and trying to find different departments for all the fellows who are taking different subsidiary subjects! And yeah our lot of energy was also taken up because we were getting bored while sitting idly and we were getting tired when we were roaming!! Well.. That’s all I guess I can write about in 10 minutes of three uni days! And the cell phone starts beeping! Time’s up!

Caught in the act!

Daily Prompt: Breaking the Law

Think about the last time you broke a rule (a big one, not just ripping the tags off your pillows). Were you burned, or did things turn out for the best?


Today’s Prompt ask me to think about the last time I broke a rule! Since I couldn’t think of any, my mom reminded me of one and I instantly decided to write on that bad incident. I am not a usual rule breaker, instead I’m rather a nerdy student who’s always scared to step even a single toe out of line. Well, in my last year of school I did break a rule and found to my own cost that I’m just not meant to break rules. Cameras were not allowed in our school, but since it was the last day of our class everyone brought the cameras along with them and so did I, but It was me only who got caught with a camera. I guess the other girls were smart enough to hide it from the teachers or it was just me stupid enough to think we have been given permission to bring the camera on the last day. Well our dearest headmistress confiscated my camera and no matter how much I implored her to give it back, she won’t listen. After a big tantrum she told me to go and talk to the principal which I couldn’t do (I was too scared of her). Well thanks a lot to my class teacher, she told me to calm down and talked to the headmistress herself and conviced her to return me my camera! And Thank God I got my camera back but I still have a regret.. My camera was returned to me at the end of day and I couldn’t capture as many images as I wanted to! 😦


Daily Prompt: Apply Yourself

Describe your last attempt to learn something that did not come easily to you.

The simple answer to today’s Prompt is Chemistry and being awake! I never got the hang of organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry and physical chemistry (Those are only types I’ve ever had the misfortune to come across with). When I started studying chemistry in 9th grade, it was all too basic and my teacher was good enough to make ME understand the subject!! As time passed the subject got worse and worse for me until in 12th grade I would just confuse Ethyl alcohol with methyl alcohol and get all the numbers of C,H and O mixed up! Ugh! It was a nightmare! And hopefully, If I got the subsidiary subjects of my own choice at university, I might just never ever again in my life will have to study chemistry! 😀

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As we come to the problem of being awake, it specifically means being awake in my 2nd year physics classes! I do not like to brag but unlike chemistry I do understand physics but sleeping in those physics classes was something I would just not fail at! (No offence to my teacher) but whenever he used to speak I would just put my head down on the desk and as he continued the lecture his voice would just come from a far away place as if from the end of a big cave until I would completely lose the hang of his voice and fall asleep!*snores*!



Daily Prompt: Teacher’s Pet

Tell us about a teacher who had a real impact on your life, either for the better or the worse. How is your life different today because of him or her?

Teachers, the only true mentors after our parents! I’ve been my teachers’ pet for many early school years (NO BRAGGING;)).. But honestly I was quite a nerd in my early school years and many of my classmates still hold that opinion about me! Well.. according to the question of daily prompt the only teacher which inspired me most was my mathematics teacher in my 1st year at college..shutterstock_57080833 (1)
Mathematics had been my favourite subject since 3rd or 4th grade but I really I started hating in my last year of school! The subject getting least of my attention was maths!! & I was really considered quitting maths in college.. but I didn’t! I continued mathematics on my parent’s suggestion and it turned into my favour!! Sir Sohail started teaching me mathematics in a way that very few people can teach!! Though I was not one of his favourite students but he was definitely one of my favourite teachers! He was a perfectionist in his field and made maths easy for me again! Not just as a teacher but he was a really nice person too! Mathematics.. A subject which many hate was truly redefined in his classes!! I know it looks like a fifth grader’s essay on ‘My favourite teacher’ but I really can’t describe his teachings (in class) in words! He taught me many easy ways to do mathematics and even referred to us a calculator which none other can beat! Well.. though I can’t describe it very well but the extent of his being favourite among the students was such that each student of his class cried when he passed away last year!! And yeah.. One of the reasons that I”ll be starting my studies in university next week in the department of mathematics is that he made me fall in love with mathematics again! I hope one day, In fact whenever I’ll try to teach mathematics I’ll be as good as him or at least comparable to how he taught! 🙂

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