Learning things along the way!

Posts tagged ‘fairy tale’

The other side of me..

Daily Prompt: The Full Moon

When the full moon happens, you turn into a person who’s the opposite of who you normally are. Describe this new you.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us NIGHTTIME.full-moon-goddess

I was sleeping the other day when I suddenly woke up shivering as the clock struck midnight. I was shivering very very badly and I didn’t know what was going on. As soon as the shivering stopped I didn’t wake my sister as I normally would have done and slept on! My mom woke me up at 6 o’clock and I woke up immediately. Got ready in my usual t-shirt and jeans when I was asked by my sister.. What are you doing Yumna?? when will you get ready? get changed into something suitable. I silently nodded and wore my abaya over my dress and told my sister and mom that I’ve already changed! I went to the university and sat with the rowdiest group of the class.. I don’t know what made me do so or even why they were staring at me in a weird way, but all I knew was that it’s perfectly okay to sit with them and few of my fellows, to whom I didn’t even bother to talk to, came to me asking if I had reserved seats for them. I shrugged and said No! they asked me if I was going to sit with them and after another shrug and a No! they went back muttering about me being somewhat ignorant! But, honestly I didn’t care at all! After my classes were over during which I laughed alot sitting at the back seat and  got really insulted by the teachers too, whatever! Well.. After the classes were over I stayed into the university with my friends to catch up on some work. My mom asked me when will I be back, so I lied to her that I have classes till late today. In the evening, when I reached home, I changed quickly and started studying. As soon as it was dusk, I found myself working and thought what was I doing? I hadn’t even checked Facebook or WordPress?? I stood up and immediately switched on the computer to write a prompt..

Still Remembered!

Daily Prompt: The Transporter

Tell us about a sensation — a taste, a smell, a piece of music — that transports you back to childhood.

Everyone’s aware of the fairy tales… Cinderella, Little red riding hood, Jack and the beanstalk are all household words.. But no, they do not transport me back to my childhood. Stories which transport me back to my childhood are the one’s which might not be familiar to any of you but were, and still are, very important to me. They take me back into the time when my Maternal Grandmother was still among us, to the time when I was properly aware of the relation of a Grandmother.

Whenever we visited her, we asked to listen the same four stories and she always did tell us those! 😀 Those weren’t just stories but truly they were my childhood. Today after reading some well-known authors, I realize that no books or stories can replace those limited edition stories of my Grandmother.. 😀


Fairy Tales

Daily Prompt: Twenty-Five

There are 26 letters in the English language, and we need every single one of them. Want proof? Choose a letter and write a blog post without using it. (Feeling really brave? Make it a vowel!)

Since, I am no literary genius I can’t make it a vowel! but yeah I’ll write a post excluding the last letter of the alphabets ( can’t name it here 😉 )

I can’t think of anything to write today.. Daily prompt does it for me daily, well but I surely have to write something, so here goes!witch_brewing_potion_poster-ra487e9847efb4eb8ada5854b563f6af9_w2q_216

Once upon a time. in a lonely hut, in a far away jungle, lived a mean old witch. You all know how mean witches are, well… they’re mean. Once she was brewing up an evil potion and for that she needed (of course) princess’ hair. So she kidnapped a princess from a nearby castle (as in all fairy tales castles are so conveniently close to the witches’ hut). So she kidnapped the princess and not more than two days later a lost prince arrived and went accidentally into the witches’ hut (as expected). He saw the starved (but still in her perfect attire 😉 ) princess and rescued her. As they were going out the hut the prince tossed the witch in her pot of brew thus killing her. ( anything can happen in a fairy tale, A prince CAN toss a witch in the pot) and they went back to the castle where they got married and lived happily ever after! 😀

See.. The above story does not contain the last letter of the alphabet! 😀

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