Learning things along the way!

Posts tagged ‘happiness’

Uncontrolled Laughter!

Daily Prompt: From the Gut

Tell us about the last time you had a real, deep, crying-from-laughing belly laugh.


Ha! I finally got it! I have to think for about at least an hour before I Finally remembered a fit of laughter me and my sister shared and no, we didn’t share it in a joyful environment.. rather in a most boring environment one can ever Imagine; In a van on our way to university.81867970

It was the fateful day of my first ever university presentation, for which I was so not prepared. I had decided to do the final preparation on my way to the university in the morning, but what happened was that me and my sister started a casual conversation which soon turned into gales of laughter. Unfortunately I now remember nothing of our conversation in that still environment but I certainly recall telling my sister every 5 minutes or so to let me learn my presentation material among fits of laughter. We laughed all our way to the university resulting in my poor presentation which gave my class fellows something to laugh about! 😀 nervous speaker

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