Learning things along the way!

Posts tagged ‘learn’

Bumpy Ride!

Daily Prompt: Teachable Moment

You have to learn a new skill. Do you prefer to read about it, watch someone else do it, hear someone describe it, or try it yourself?

Learning; Is a very important process in every living being’s life. To learn something, everyone does need some help. Be it reading about the subject, watch someone else doing it, hear describe it or try it themselves!girl-driving-300x199

These days, some sort of drift have come over me to learn how to drive. I am so totally obsessed to learn how to drive a car and no one else but my dad can teach me how to do it! In order to learn driving I would go for all the options given above (except reading) one after another i.e hierarchy. First of all, I would ask my broher to describe how to drive a car. Though he is younger than me and isn’t allowed to drive a car yet either, but he does have a better know how of driving than me. He always observes carefully when dad is driving a car (he’s more obsessed than me) which is not my thing (I like to enjoy the ride looking out the window or talking, I can’t waste the trip observing and learning 😉 ). Secondly, I would then watch my dad how to do it (I have to, it can’t be done without it.. But it won’t waste my trip then, I will be on a trip to learn to drive :D) And finally I will try it myself! And I’m hoping I will do well in it! Do wish me luck readers! 🙂

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