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Posts tagged ‘nightmare’


Daily Prompt: Nightmares

Describe the last nightmare you remember having. What do you think it meant?

Nightmares are the types of dreams which may wake one in the middle of sleep due to fear or anxiety. Every human being feels the emotions of happiness, sadness or fear and these emotions can be easily depicted in one’s dreams.

A few weeks ago, prior to the beginning of my university I had a dream in which I was in the university and was searching for the classes. I know that university consists of many plain areas mainly consisting of trees and just some barren land. So, what I saw was that many teachers were working as guides and pointing us in the direction of classes, and though I did reach my department I wasn’t able to reach the correct class. I asked many other students but they didn’t respond satisfactorily enough for me to reach my destined classroom. Though it is not remotely frightening but it did make me feel bad to think about the dream when I woke up next morning. I think it was the fear of a new place and also it was the fear of new people maybe, due to which I had that dream, but thankfully that nightmare didn’t come true! 😀

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