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Posts tagged ‘tomatoes’

Girl with a flan.

Daily Prompt: Flangiprop!

Invent a definition for the word “flangiprop,” then use the word in a post. 

As I opened the Today’s Prompt page, The word I saw was ‘flangiprop’. At first, I thought it might be some fangirl related stuff as the word flangiprop can be respelled into popfangirl. Well Upon closer inspection I saw the correct word and it made me think of prop of flan(cream custard) used by a girl.download
A long time ago, A play was performed on stage! The play was about a girl who lived in a castle and made excellent flan. Everyone in the town just loved her flan. One day she baked a flan and the oven exploded killing her. This upsetted the audience who all booed at the writer who was due to come at stage at the end of play carrying the flan thus being the flangiprop.. But the play was so bad that she herself was smattered in flans and tomatoes that were thrown at her! I hope the same will not happen to me after you will finish reading this post as I’m not much satisfied with it myself either! 😉

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