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Posts tagged ‘procrastination’

Laziness is the answer

Daily Prompt: Procrastination

What have you been putting off doing? Why?

Well… I know it is extremely monotonous but I just can’t help it. I’m putting of doing all my university work for at least a month now. Reason? At first it was Ramazan, a month of prestigious occasion for Muslims and I didn’t feel like doing work then. I strongly believe that university should have given us off. Now it’s been over a week since Ramazan ended but last week I felt pretty lazy as I was still not over my post-eid laziness. And now it’s weekend again and my homework is piled up like anything! Two days ago, my sister asked me casually that how much work do I have left and I recited a complete list of work for all the subjects I take! She had no idea it would be such a long list and was pretty much shocked by the amount of work I have to do. And look at me, I’m still delaying my work by writing posts and watching T.V.13196456-lazy-girl-falls-asleep-while-studying-surrounded-by-books

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