Learning things along the way!

Posts tagged ‘sister’

Rocking Chair!

Daily Prompt: Toy Story

What was your favorite plaything as a child? Do you see any connection between your life now, and your favorite childhood toy?


As a child, my favourite plaything was a small, bright yellow rocking chair. I always used to sit on that chair, and whenever my sister dared to sit on it, after my right little tantrum, she used to give me that chair! =)

The connection between my life now and my 2 year old self sitting on that chair is very prominent. I loved to sit idly then and I love to do so now! =D The only difference is that I didn’t have any disadvantage of sitting uselessly then, now however…

Also, I really liked to tease my sister then and take that chair from her, and I still do it sometimes, with the slight difference of those things being purple clothes, one ring or another or some other jewellery and she too is kind enough to always lend me some!! Love you my dear sis!! =D

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