Learning things along the way!

Posts tagged ‘wastage of time’

Parallel universe.

Daily Prompt: The Bizarro World

In the DC comics universe, a planet called “Htrae” (“Earth” spelled backwards) is populated with bizarre versions of superheroes. A Seinfeld episode made the idea of this Bizarro World popular, where the characters encountered their opposite selves.

Craft a scene in which you meet an opposite version of yourself — or a story in a bizarre, backwards world.

Just Ten days to go until examinations start.

Tring! Tring! Alarm rings On a Sunday morning at 7.30 am. I woke up, Changed my clothes and silently tip-toed out of my room (In order not to wake my sister up), went into the common and started studying. I studied until 9.00 and prepared breakfast before my mother wakes up and has to do it for me. After breakfast, I shut myself in my room to study again. Before 8.00 at night, syllabus for the subject has been completed. And that is me in a parallel universe! 😀

Just Ten days to go until examinations start. 

Tring! Tring! Alarm rings On a Sunday morning at 7.30 am. Ughh! Alarm’s been snoozed for the thousandth time by you now Yumna!: My sister yells at me and I woke up at 9.30. I hardly studied for 20 minutes in my room officially disturbing my sister’s peace before sleeping off again. At 10.30 my sister wakes me up for breakfast and after breakfast it’s like 12.30. Then it’s facebook, wordpress and pottermore for 2-3 hours and then irresistible hunger. Oh God! Its 4.30 already! Yay! Tea time! After tea, it’s little bit of T.V  (all this time wanting to study, but not being able to, I don’t know how the time flies). After studying for a while, It’s 8.30.. T.V time and dinner. After dinner I’m too tired to study and here we go… Another day efficiently wasted before exams. And That’s me in my actual upside down life! 😀



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