Learning things along the way!

Posts tagged ‘run’

At The Eleventh Hour..!!

“Shut up conscience! I know I should have prepared for this exam earlier but stop cursing me now! At least let my do it now!” This is a fight I’m always having a night before exam with my angry self!images

After reading the above paragraph you must have realized by now what I know I should do . . . but don’t. I always waste my time at the time of doing the work and then I rush at the eleventh hour. I know I should study all year-long rather than the last month before exams, All 5 days leave rather than the last three nights and two days. I should not waste my time at the last moment collecting and wearing all the jewellery when we have already planned for a trip a week ago. I should pack my bag the night before university and not in the morning when I already have a lot to do! I should make a routine and act according to it rather than wasting all the time in writing a routine in my diary and then not act according it! (Another way to waste my time). I always promise myself not to waste time in future but never stand on it. I know, right now, I should be doing my Maths graph rather than writing a post but I can’t help it either. I guess I should have written it yesterday but I was too tired yesterday and didn’t have time (or maybe I just wasted it yesterday too, without even realizing it 😉 😦 )

Ready, Set Go.. Off to the university

Daily Prompt: Ready, Set Go

Set a timer for ten minutes. Open a new post. Start the timer, and start writing. When the timer goes off, publish.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

OK.. So my time has started.. The only thing I could write about in these 10 minutes is my recently started university life! I’ve been to university three days and I’ve already realized that it’s no child’s play.. It is rather a tiring experience.. I’m saying it and our classes haven’t started yet either.. First day was the orientation day only to find that there is no orientation taking place.. (I found yesterday, it did take place after all). Well.. we did have a good time as we went on an excursion to physics and stats dept… On second day we were confronted by a very generous looking and a very strict looking History and Geography teachers and were given the intro of university life.. Then we had to face three very angry-looking teachers in stats dept.. Who.. though strict looking explained to us all very well the system of groups in university.. Well yesterday was pretty much the same with all the introductory classes taking place..But the reason for us to get tired was much roaming around the university trying to find the exact timings of classes for separate groups and trying to find different departments for all the fellows who are taking different subsidiary subjects! And yeah our lot of energy was also taken up because we were getting bored while sitting idly and we were getting tired when we were roaming!! Well.. That’s all I guess I can write about in 10 minutes of three uni days! And the cell phone starts beeping! Time’s up!

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MC's Whispers

Whispering Silences

Horcruxes, Heroes, and Harry Potter

How Severus Snape and the story of Harry Potter helps me to understand the world

The Matticus Kingdom

Whatever it will be...

I'm Afraid Of The Dark

Blogging since 2013.

Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss

Welcome to the Anglo Swiss World


An expedition through my thoughts and ideas...

Hope* the happy hugger

Life, love, happiness and most of all, kindness...

Jeyna Grace

A Story Begins


Laughter and books make life a little easier

The Daily Post

The Art and Craft of Blogging